
How To Wash Your Hair With Dawn Dish Soap

You've seen the YouTube videos floating around: Bloggers and Vloggers are using the blue Dawn liquid dish soap for pilus growth. Surprisingly, this craze isn't even particularly new. You can notice the topic discussed on forums dating back to 2004! But still, the recent practice in itself begs some questions: Is it safe to launder your hair with dish lather? And does blue Dawn dish lather actually piece of work for Natural Pilus?

Right off the bat, I'1000 giving this hair care tip side eye. Dish soap is designed to go rid of grease and oil (I'yard sure you've seen this video of the duck post-oil spill). Merely the thing is, natural hair (type 4 pilus), unremarkably needs oil.

Because of all the bends in our kinky coily curls, information technology accept longer for sebum (the natural oil our scalps produce) to travel down our strands. This is why most natural pilus intendance blogs and sites listing their favourite pilus oils. Because for hair growth, naturalistas normally need to be adding oils.

See why using dishsoap as shampoo doesn't make sense for people with natural hair? Or at least non regularly, but we'll become in to that further on. First, let'due south address some questions people are asking on the bailiwick:

Why the Blue Dawn dish lather?

YouTubers insist you lot must utilize the Blue version of Dawn soap to launder your pilus, when really this is merely the "Original Olfactory property" version. This makes sense considering the original is equally bones equally information technology gets. No fancy stuff; no extra features that might irritate your peel or damage your pilus.

For example, the Orange scent and the Apple flower (green) from Dawn are both Antibacterial, and the Refreshing Pelting is "Platinum"… I'd exist terrified to find out what that would exercise to my curls.

That existence said, some of the other scents practice have the aforementioned ingredient list as the blue. So if you're determined to effort Dawn as a shampoo, you may take some other, prissy-smelling options.

Is it safe to wash your hair with dish soap?

Technically yes, it is safety to wash your hair with dish soap. The marketing with the cute little duck shows that dish soap is indeed safe, and virtually of their soaps are also labelled as 'hand washing soaps'. Every bit long equally you aren't ingesting it, or letting it make it your eyes, you really should be fine. (Just I'm not a doctor or a scientist, and so please don't sue me if y'all react. Also, brand sure, as you lot should with any new products, to do a petty patch test).

bottle of blue transparent dish washing liquid, close up, isolated on white.

Does it really work for Natural Hair?

To reiterate from to a higher place:

Blazon 4 pilus is difficult to keep moisturized considering all of its bends make information technology harder for the sebum to coat it. In other words: it's difficult for Natural Hair to go and stay oily.

On the other hand, directly hair offers no obstacles for the travelling sebum, so it tends to go greasy and oily, fast. (And so the adjacent time a white person cringes when you tell them yous don't launder your pilus every day, drop those facts.)

Anyways. Dish soap will strip your hair of oils, naturally occurring and not. That volition non benefit your natural hair. In fact, it could make your curls decumbent to breakage. It could set your pilus growth journey style back.

That being said, this haircare tip actually makes sense if your hair is straight, and prone to getting greasy.

So is using liquid dishsoap in your natural hair a total write off?

Not necessarily. I just wouldn't recommend it as your go-to replacement for shampoo.

If yous're facing product buildup, and need a really deep make clean, dish soap could work for you. The do good lies in the fact that it'll become rid of all the gunk–substantially allowing y'all to beginning from scratch. Information technology'south the same primary as clarifying, and some people really recommend you clarify regularly. This article gives corking insight to clarifying your curls.

(But personally, I'd still opt for a real clarifying shampoo, like Neutrogena's or Shea Moisture'south, but this is definitely a cheaper alternative.)

The lather could also be beneficial when taking downwards a protective mode as in that location is frequently build up at the roots. Information technology's also been used to make clean locs, as that is another scenario where your pilus may exist facing buildup.

If you lot do decide to employ dish soap, remember:

Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. And seal it in.

You just stripped your pilus of its oils, so you'll need to add together information technology back in. Follow with a corking deep conditioner. And seal in your products with a proficient oil ( olive oil is a not bad ane ) Actually, a full on hot oil treatment could be incredibly beneficial likewise!

This video from Hazel_Goddesss is the near pop one on YouTube! It worked for her hair, which I retrieve is what helped this all grab on.

She loved the lather, and found that her hair wasn't stripped, and just felt make clean. Notwithstanding, she followed with good deep conditioner simply in case.

I'thou also curious to encounter if curl pattern comes into play in this too! If people with 4c find that the dish soap strips their curls more than than those with looser curl patterns. (If you've tried information technology, I'd love to know in the comments!)

So to wrap it all upward (or in case you lot scrolled to the lesser instead of reading the whole postal service):

  • Yeah, using Dawn Dish Soap is safe to use in your hair.
  • Merely it will strip your natural hair of its oils. (oils that are of import for hair growth).
    • Naturals should apply it as a clarifying shampoo, non a regular one.
    • Should follow with a Really Practiced conditioner and oil treatment.
  • Dishsoap as a shampoo is better suited for people with straight pilus–hair that tends to get oily or greasy.

So what practise yous think? Is this a trend yous're going to be trying? Let usa know in the comments!

Desire to see if another famous beauty-hack is correct for you? Check out: Can You Utilise Coconut Oil for Shaving Cream?

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How To Wash Your Hair With Dawn Dish Soap,


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